The Extravagant Adventures of a hopeless middle aged romantic, Episode 1.

"Ah! Sunrise, beatiful dawn!",
Said he as he awoke.
He brushed and bathed and broke his fast,
And then he solemnly spoke-

"Today is such a wonderful Day,
let me live life again,
Bask in the warmth of the morning sun,
Get drenched in the heavenly rain."

So dressed up in his holiday suit,
And sporting his holiday smile,
"My holiday boots are waiting",said he,
"And I'll walk many-a-mile!"

He walked on and on in light and dark,
Not stopping in his way.
The story hence, my dear friends,
I save for another day.

5 comments :: The Extravagant Adventures of a hopeless middle aged romantic, Episode 1.

  1. "hopeless middle aged romantic??" i want the story now!!!!
    :p :p

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