The Extravagant Adventures of a Hopeless Middle Aged Romantic, Episode 3:

But as he walked away it seemed
The light was coming nearer.
Beads of sweat ran down his face,
The night was getting clearer.

Soon the fire touched his skin,
He waited for the pain.
But all he felt was a little pin-prick;
And then pleasure insane.

He was soaring in the starry sky,
Far, far away from earth.
He felt like he was one with heaven,
A new beginning, rebirth.

For hours and hours he flew like he had
Never known sorrow.
The end, dear friend, it has to wait
Until it is tomorrow. 

1 comments :: The Extravagant Adventures of a Hopeless Middle Aged Romantic, Episode 3:

  1. kc....
    dont end it plsssss....
    love reading it over n over again :) :)