
Little Kenny thinks a penny
Is too steep for these lines.
I tell him sonny, don't be funny,
Or I'll stop being nice.
"You're really bad, I'll tell my dad!",
The imp, he says to me.
"Run home and tell, I'll show him hell!",
I yell defiantly.
So the yellow laddie gets his daddy
To throw a punch or two.
But the stupid git just couldn't hit,
He didn't have a clue.
One punch I threw, it went straight through,
And hit his solar plexus.
He fell to the ground, victory I'd found.
Then I went home in the next bus.

P.S. And hey, check out the cool Simpsonmaker widget right at the bottom of the page, and also the wordfinder widget. Nice huh?

3 comments :: Arbit

  1. and celebrated victory over the poor lad's dad???

  2. of course, the lad's dad symbolically is none other than our dear simon, he just had a kid remember?

  3. omg!!!!!! u r talking abt electronics lab!! simon????
    if he was reading this now... u wudn be alive