Potter and Carpenter, and the Mystery of mysteries!- Episode 1

"Guitar string.... number 5.... Karuna Musicians... world... end... die... aaaaargh...." were Dr. Bumblewindow's final words.
Teen super sleuth Hardy Potter and his faithful sidekick Nancy Carpenter stood by him and watched him die. It was a painful moment for both of them. Dr. Bumblewindow was like a father to them. Like all other fictitious teen heroes, Potter and Carpenter were orphaned at the age of two, when their parents were dismembered and disemboweled right before their eyes by the evil villain Lord Nag. Bumblewindow took under his wing and nursed them. He watched them grow from toddlers to brave, adventurous teenage sex symbols, with considerable pride.
But now, our teen heroes did not have time to mourn their saviour's passing. They had to save the world from Lord Nag's evil scheme. And Bumblewindow's cryptic clues didn't make sense either, until Nancy suggested, "Hey Hardy, I have Karuna Guitar String Number five in my trusty kitbag!"
"Excellent!", replies Potter, and adds, staring into the camera, "And kids, that's why you need a super hot sidekick with a trusty kitbag."
Carpenter turns pink and gives Potter a loving punch. (The rest of this scene is cut out in theatres, for the general public, but can be caught on youtube, at least till before they remove it, or on rapidshare.)
Our exhausted young detectives now try to fathom the Doctor's clue. "Hmm... I wonder... aaah!", says Potter.
"Are you onto something?", enquires Carpenter.
"Not yet, but maybe looking up 'immitation' in Sleuthing For Dummies may help."
"Good idea. You're so clever!" (try Youtube or Rapidshare again.)
The next morning, Potter is at the breakfast table with his newspaper and his cereal, and Carpenter makes her entry.
"I just borrowed Sleuthing for Dummies from Holmes and Watson next door", she said.
"Such a cute couple they make, don't they?"
"Yeah. And they're strangely indifferent towards Brokeback Mountain."
"I know. Watson says it doesn't have enough... umm... passion. He pored through Youtube for weeks, and then through innumerable blogs searching for rapidshare links, but couldn't find one, you see, for the missing links."
"Oh... I see. But hey, look up that word now."
"Oh yes, the word... hmmm, aaah! Here it is."
Immitation- from "imminent" and "castration", meaning imminent castration. Will lead to the destruction of male population, ergo eventual extinction of humankind.
"Oh no!", cried Potter. "We're done for this time. Nag will destroy us!"
Carpenter, however, had a determined expression on her face. "Not yet, Hardy. Not while we're there to ruin his plans of world conquest."
Will Lord Nag succeed in immitating the world? Or will our superheroes be able to, once again, foil his evil scheme? Find out on the next episode of "Potter and Carpenter, and the Mystery of mysteries!"

2 comments :: Potter and Carpenter, and the Mystery of mysteries!- Episode 1

  1. from hopeless middleage romantic to detective series... quite a variety!
    and may i ask from where ur villain got his name... mere coincidence or in remembrance of a beloved person :p

  2. the villian is a man very close to our hearts... the angel gave me an A...